Serving Earth it

People, relationships and produce: NCX Business 2014 report

Grapes - NCX Drahorad

People: NCX Drahorad was founded in 1982 by Rolando Drahorad as a service company for the international fresh produce trade. It employs experienced and multi-language staff, specialized in international trade, with a focus on building sustainable trade which crosses the regional and national boundaries.

Our team offers also a full set of additional services to reinforce the presence on worldwide markets: organization of road, sea, air transport and support on international document issue; through other company divisions we offer in-transit temperature control (NCX Control division), communication and advertising strategies and tools (NCX Media division).

Relationships: NCX Business is a division of NCX Drahorad. It specializes in establishing long terms relationships between fresh produce grower packers and international customers. With an initial focus on Italy as a source, we have selected a professional and wide supplier base in the main Italian growing areas from North to South. Thus we can take advantage of different climates, seasons, weather conditions, attitudes and specializations. Our customer base has developed from Europe to non-EU countries and then to the main overseas markets. Through our worldwide relationships we have developed also overseas sources for selected destinations in Italy and other markets.

Produce: NCX Business covers the full range of Italian fresh produce, specializing in fresh fruit. During the course of the seasons we move from stonefruit to kiwifruit, from top fruit to grapes and citrus, developing also speciality lines like berries and chestnuts.

See more details about the products we offer in our report Ncx Business – people, relationships and produce – 2014:


· 22 March 2014